Logistics and distribution

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Portable cranes with telescopic jib arm for managing the picking list and bulk materials picking process


Flex Lifting cranes are the most convenient and cost effective solution to lift bulk loads such as motors, transformers, molds, hydraulic power packs, carpentry parts and any product that is not handled on pallets.

The 01B5SE_1000 mini crane with manual push/pull and electric controlled jib arm is the right crane for craft businesses and workshops that have to manage a limited product flow and variable dimensions with a maximum weight of 500 kg.

The ORBIT 200ER model is the pick & carry crane preferred by logistics companies that have continuous and intensive processes for the storage and distribution of products with variable dimensions and different weights.

Thanks to the rotation of the jib arm it is possible to move, lift and take the products from the containers that arrive from the production department and place them on the pallets for the preparation of deliveries to be made to customers.